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To protect the human rights of all citizens, human rights should be practiced at the family and state levels

Speakers at the International Human Rights Day discussion meeting in Satkhira - To protect the human rights of all citizens, human rights must be practiced at the family and state levels.

International Human Rights Day 2022, SoDESH
Pic: International Human Rights Day- 2022.

Marginalized people in Bangladesh are still not properly aware of human rights. They should be made aware. Values need to be instilled in teachers. The National Human Rights Commission has to play a more responsible role. Not all events happening in different parts of the country are published in newspapers. Members of the disabled community are being victimized. Due to natural calamities caused by climate change, the people of coastal areas are being displaced as climate refugees and their human rights are being violated. Child marriage has spread in Bangladesh due to the epidemic of coronavirus. The child marriage rate in Satkhira is currently 77.07 percent. The government is trying to get justice for the poor. Legal Aid Officers have been appointed at the district level. Human rights should be practiced as a family. Speakers said these things in a discussion meeting on the occasion of International Human Rights Day in the hall of the District Agriculture Extension Department (Khamerbadi) in Katia Town Bazaar on Saturday, December 10, 2022. Chief guest speech in the discussion meeting on the occasion of International Human Rights Day organized by UNDP in collaboration with CSO HRD Coalition, Satkhira, and SoDESH under the slogan 'Raise equality, justice, and human rights protection' under the chairmanship of human rights activist Madhav Chandra Dutt, member secretary of CSO-HRD Coalition, Satkhira. Rakhine District Agricultural Extension Directorate (Khamerbadi) Deputy Director Agriculturist Dr. Md. Jamal Uddin. Special guest speech was given by freedom fighter Subhash Sarkar, Educationist Principal Abdul Hamid, Convenor of Human Rights Culture Foundation and former president of Satkhira Press Club Abul Kalam Azad, Convener of District Civic Committee Anisur Rahim, Vice Chairman of Asashuni Upazila Parishad Asim Kumar Chakraborty, Deputy Director GM of Sushilan. Moniruzzaman, Katia Police Inspector Mizanur Rahman. Journalist and development worker Farooq Rahman presented the article in the discussion meeting. Barsa Assistant Director Nazmul Alam Munna, Transition Law Officer Advocate Moniruddin, World Vision District Coordinator Pratibha Bikas Sarkar, Journalist Raghunath Khan, Sido Executive Director Shyamal Kumar Biswas, Disabled Development Organization Abul Kalam, Head Executive participated in the open discussion. Director Lewis Rana Gain, District Child Marriage Prevention Committee Administrative Officer Sakibur Rahman Babla, Bangladesh Mahila Parishad Satkhira District Committee General Secretary Jyosna Dutta, Women Rights Activist and CSO HRD Coalition, Satkhira Convener Mariam Mannan among others.

Speakers in the meeting said that the day has been celebrated by the United Nations General Assembly since 10 December 1948. This date is set to implement the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Human rights are one of the tools to ensure equality, justice, democracy and good governance. By guaranteeing human rights, a justice-based society is possible which will preserve the rights of every human being in the society. By these rights we mean the right to life, the right to food, the right to education and health, the right to peace and equality, the right to democracy and good governance, the right to dignity and respect, the right to women, the right to expression, the right to equitable distribution and overall equality based Right to peaceful life in society. In 1992, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of National or Racial, Religious and Linguistic Minorities states that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that everyone belonging to a national or racial, religious or linguistic minority has the right to the full observance or enjoyment of his own culture and to establish and maintain his own association. . Any person belonging to a minority community has the right to exercise his rights alone or in association with other members of the community without any discrimination. Any person belonging to a minority community should be able to freely exercise all human rights and fundamental freedoms. The state will provide that guarantee. The people of the minority communities can develop and express their own culture, language, religion, tradition, and customs. The state will create a favorable environment for that purpose. Every person belonging to a minority community should have adequate education facilities in his mother tongue or instruction in his mother tongue. The state will take all necessary initiatives for it. Minority communities should be able to participate fully in the country's economic growth and development. The state will ensure its due process. According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, recognition of the equal and inalienable rights and inherent dignity of all members of the human family is the foundation of peace, freedom, and justice in the world. Article 11 of the Constitution of Bangladesh states that the Republic shall be a democracy, where basic human rights and freedoms shall be guaranteed. Respect for the dignity and value of human beings will be ensured. Here is the question to our conscience, have we been able to ensure the human rights of every human being in our beloved Bangladesh? Have we been able to uphold our constitution? Every person under a caste or tribal, religious, and linguistic minority has the right to the full observance or enjoyment of his own culture and to establish and maintain his own association. Any person belonging to a minority community has the right to exercise his rights alone or in association with other members of the community without any discrimination. Any person belonging to a minority community should be able to freely exercise all human rights and fundamental freedoms. The state will provide that guarantee. The people of the minority communities can develop and express their own culture, language, religion, tradition, and customs. The state will create a favorable environment for that purpose. Every person belonging to a minority community should have adequate education facilities in his mother tongue or instruction in his mother tongue. The state will take all necessary initiatives for it. Minority communities should be able to participate fully in the country's economic growth and development. The state will ensure its due process.

Recommendations at the meeting:

  • Education and health should be constitutionally recognized as fundamental human rights;
  • Ensure public rights in education and stop privatization of education; The Government shall take special legal measures to ensure the protection of the lives and property of citizens who are in minority concerning other citizens of the society because of their religious beliefs and to exercise their full rights in the practice of their religion and culture;
  • To stop violence against women, the perpetrators should be tried and punished swiftly and the media should undertake regular awareness activities at all levels, border guards should be specially trained to prevent trafficking in women and children and community watch groups should be created; Ensuring minority rights to resources and land rights.
  • The National Human Rights Commission should be developed as an independent and efficient institution.


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