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About SoDESH

SoDESH at a Glance

The Organization SoDESH started its activities from 1995 at Satkhira district to promote the vulnerable people, empower the women educate and establish them economically. To ensure the human rights, democracy, children and mother primary health care (Specially women of the poor households) and prevention of child and woman trafficking. SoDESH believes in non-directive, bottom up, participatory and integrated development frameworks and acts as catalyst with its beneficiaries. 
SODESH is registered with Department of Social Service and Bangladesh NGO Affairs Bureau. The organization has a strong Management committee. At present SoDESH is implementing different development activities through financial and technical support of National and International donors. SoDESH is a gender sensitive organization. SoDESH believe that no nation can develop without participation of women in development activities. So the organization is working on various sectors for sustainable development through alternative programs with involvement of women. SoDESH also provide training in group meeting on gender issues and provide legal assistance free of cost.
SODESH is committed to develop the socio-economic condition of disadvantaged people in the society and has been contributing it’s all out endeavor to set the ideological goals of integration of women as an active agent of development and participants on equal terms with men in development process and in the society in general by removing poverty, illiteracy, ignorance and prejudices. At present, the organization has been implementing its development projects/programs in Satkhira districts with assistances of donors. SoDESH has been implementing its development Projects/ Programs with the participation of Local People. All the development activities of the organization implement in participatory process. SoDESH has working experience with partnership.
SoDESH is involved with others networks/organizations. The organization has skilled and trained human resources to implement program activities in the field level. SoDESH adopts decentralized participatory management system in program implementation. The General body, the supreme authority of the organization consists of 30th members. A 9member’s Executive committee is elected biennially out of General body for policy making and program execution. All the policies of executive committee are implemented by the modest staff headed by the Secretary, who is responsible for overall program implementation and management.
At top, mid and field level, the activities of SoDESH are managed by development workers with long year’s professional experiences. Its programs are implemented through participation of all levels of workers within the frame work of Action-plan. Each level of management is encouraged to accept council and advice of the authority concerned to embrace creative solution. They are also encouraged for team sprit and to motivate them to know much. SoDESH provides its workers liberty to take initiative, stimulating participation and continuous search for up-gradation in terms of quality and quantity. 

Vision of the Organization:

The vision of SoDESH is to establish sustainable poverty free democratic society where the good governance and gender equality should be ensured.

Mission of the Organization:

The organizational mission is to improve livelihood security of the vulnerable, minority and poor people in the southwest part of Bangladesh especially Satkhira, Khulna and Jessore district in Bangladesh. 

Targeted beneficiaries of the organization:

Poor People especially distressed women, adolescent, disabled, Landless, Marginal farmers, widows, Children, day labor , minority groups who live below the poverty line are the target beneficiaries of SoDESH.

Area of Strength:

SoDESH has a lot of area of strength organizationally. Such as Social Mobilization, Issue base Campaign, Local Elates Coordination, Several Types of Volunteerism, A group of skilled staffs, National and Local Level NGO relations and Partnerships, Relation with press and media, Organization’s Commitment etc.

Main ongoing programs of SoDESH:

Women And Children Trafficking Prevention Awareness Program, Acid Control Campaign, Training (Skill & Human Development), Legal Aid Support, Discussion on Globalization and Climate Justice, Citizen Rights and Good Governance, Women and Children Rights, Awareness Campaign For Violence against Children and Women, Women Entrepreneurship Development Program.

Previous programs/Projects of the organization:

Child Rights advocacy, Campaign on WTO issues, VOTE –Observation, Campaign on Gender & Development, Prantik Manusher Songhoti (PMS), Networking Programme Health and Nutrition, Training, Women & Child rights, Disabled Rehabilitation, Disaster management etc.

Source of fund/ donors of the organization:

UNICEF, UNDP, Oxfam-GB,Action Aid- Bangladesh, Ain o Salish Kendra (ASK), SUPRO, Save the children, Article-19, INCIDIN Bangladesh, RUPANTOR-Khulna, SWIFT  - Khulna, Steps Towards Development – Dhaka, Weave Foundation etc.

Focused working areas:

1. Gender and development 
2. Rights and good governance 
3. Women entrepreneurship development 
4. Prevention of acid violence 
5. Child rights and protection 
6. National and international day observation 
7. Arbitration and legal aid support 
8. Campaign for sustainable rural livelihoods.

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